Inspired by popular TV shows, Staged is an indoor team building event that challenges teams with a hilarious selection of fun team building games that will have your people laughing
The tasks may be individual, but all team members take part to rack up the points.
Are you a good artist? How good is your aim? Good at timing? We’ll find out with this mad cap activity
oNce the scores are in we announce the winner and hand a prize to the winning team.
Call us on 021 2021047 for more information or fill in the form below to make an enquiry:
Talk to one of our experts now!
Call 021 2021047
1-2 hoursNo. of Particpants:
Sample Itinerary
range of challenges
prize giving
Activity Types
Inspired by popular TV shows, Staged is an indoor team building event that challenges teams with a hilarious selection of fun team building games that will have your people laughing
The tasks may be individual, but all team members take part to rack up the points.
Are you a good artist? How good is your aim? Good at timing? We’ll find out with this mad cap activity
oNce the scores are in we announce the winner and hand a prize to the winning team.
Talk to one of our experts now!
Call 021 2021047
1-2 hoursNo. of Particpants:
Sample Itinerary
range of challenges
prize giving