Our role play actors have broad experience of working in the business sector and are skilled at delivering professional feedback.
They have utmost respect for their corporate role-play training work and will approach your project with dedication and enthusiasm in addition to being well prepared.
Many of the actors we provide to businesses have extensive careers in TV and film bringing a high level of skill to your corporate-film production.
Why use role play actors for training? There are many reasons why using actors within your organisation can benefit you…
- drama school qualified
- trained specifically in roleplay techniques
- experienced in organisational settings
- trained to deliver feedback “in character”
- Neutral as they’re outsiders
An actor isn’t embarrassed to create an awkward scene, act out a difficult scenario or react to delegates’ ideas for alternative methods of dealing with a suggestion.
An actor retains his persona, using his drama skills to react as his character and not as himself.
As outsiders to your organisation, our roleplay actors sidestep the established relationships and hierarchies within the workplace. Delegates aren’t faced with the awkwardness of roleplaying against a manager.
Actors with genuine reactions also make training dynamic and memorable and are able to re-enact the same scene over again. At an event, for instance, they are able to reproduce the same lines throughout, with a consistent level of enthusiasm and engagement.
Call us on 021 2021047 for more information or fill in the form below to make an enquiry:
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Talk to one of our experts now!
Call 021 2021047
Any time requiredNo. of Particpants:
Role plays are realistic
Actors portray genuine reactions
Delegates are kept ‘in the moment’
Actors can improvise
Actors can portray any different character
Actors can portray many different characters in one training session
Role-play training is more interesting, entertaining and effective
Our role play actors have broad experience of working in the business sector and are skilled at delivering professional feedback.
They have utmost respect for their corporate role-play training work and will approach your project with dedication and enthusiasm in addition to being well prepared.
Many of the actors we provide to businesses have extensive careers in TV and film bringing a high level of skill to your corporate-film production.
Why use role play actors for training? There are many reasons why using actors within your organisation can benefit you…
- drama school qualified
- trained specifically in roleplay techniques
- experienced in organisational settings
- trained to deliver feedback “in character”
- Neutral as they’re outsiders
An actor isn’t embarrassed to create an awkward scene, act out a difficult scenario or react to delegates’ ideas for alternative methods of dealing with a suggestion.
An actor retains his persona, using his drama skills to react as his character and not as himself.
As outsiders to your organisation, our roleplay actors sidestep the established relationships and hierarchies within the workplace. Delegates aren’t faced with the awkwardness of roleplaying against a manager.
Actors with genuine reactions also make training dynamic and memorable and are able to re-enact the same scene over again. At an event, for instance, they are able to reproduce the same lines throughout, with a consistent level of enthusiasm and engagement.
Talk to one of our experts now!
Call 021 2021047
Any time requiredNo. of Particpants:
Role plays are realistic
Actors portray genuine reactions
Delegates are kept ‘in the moment’
Actors can improvise
Actors can portray any different character
Actors can portray many different characters in one training session
Role-play training is more interesting, entertaining and effective